The Urantia Book Fellowship is pleased to announce
that we are now offering, via our web store, many of the books that used
to be offered in the Morning Star Catalog (formerly the Good Cheer
Catalog.) Our newly redesigned web store is now open for business and
contains many of the great books and study aids that Urantia Book
readers love as well as some brand new gems for your contemplation and
Click here to visit the new UVERSA PRESS CATALOG. |
Congratulations to Gary Tonge for submitting the winning entry in The Uversa Press Committee's cover contest. Our fourth printing of The Urantia Book, projected to be available in Summer 2012, will feature the Standard Reference Text and Tonge's beautifully inspiring cover art. A special thank you to John Hay, Chair of Uversa Press and his committee, Paula Thompson, and Don Greene, for seeing this project to fruition.
click here to see a larger image
Secretary General
Judicial Chair
Membership Chair
Interfaith Chair
International Chair
Finance Chair
General Council
Lara Amyx
Andrea Barnes Larry Bowman
Robert Bruyn
Robert Burns
Avi Dogim
Stephen Dreier
Janet Falbo
Tony Finstad
Cece Forrester
Janet Graham
Tim Hobbs
Merritt Horn
Jack Kane
Al Lockett
Charlene Morrow
Dolores Nice
Charles Olivea
Thomas Orjala
Jo Ann Wiedman
| Michelle Klemish |
(139:8.8) In the councils of the twelve
Thomas was always cautious, advocating a policy of safety first, but if
his conservatism was voted down or overruled, he was always the first
fearlessly to move out in execution of the program decided upon. Again
and again would he stand out against some project as being foolhardy and
presumptuous; he would debate to the bitter end, but when Andrew would
put the proposition to a vote, and after the twelve would elect to do
that which he had so strenuously opposed, Thomas was the first to say,
"Let's go!" He was a good loser. He did not hold grudges nor nurse
wounded feelings. Time and again did he oppose letting Jesus expose
himself to danger, but when the Master would decide to take such risks,
always was it Thomas who rallied the apostles with his courageous words,
"Come on, comrades, let's go and die with him."
This story about Thomas has much to offer,
especially to those who serve in any organization where group effort and
teamwork are employed. As we approach the Triennial Delegate Assembly
and the upcoming meetings of the General Council and the Executive
Committee, I hope each one of us will pray for the wisdom that the
revelators describe in Thomas.
In my experience, members of our Council
tend to be highly intelligent and spiritually led. This makes us fairly
effective as individuals, but may also challenge us when teamwork is
When we meet in Chicago, let us come to the table willing to be influenced by the opinions of others. Let
us be willing to present our opinions clearly, to vote from our highest
perspective, and once the votes have been counted, lend our full and
whole-hearted support to the tasks at hand. I am excited
about the upcoming elections, and to meet our new batch of Councilors!
It has been an honor and a joy to be your President these past three
years. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity I was given to
work with the amazing people of The Fellowship in this capacity. To Progress!
Michelle Klimesh
Progressive Planetary Civilization August 1-6, 2012 Techny Towers, Chicago, Illinois
The Summer Study Session will be streaming live from Chicago!
Presented as a loving service by Mark Erickson of Urantia Book Los Angeles
Click here to view the live presentations: Note: All times listed are in the Central Time Zone. Please adjust to your local time zone.
Friday Aug 3rd
Plenary with Keynote Speech by Steve McIntosh
The New Evolutionary Philosophy, Affinity with the Urantia Book
9:00 -10.30 AM
Morning Workshop with John Causland
Time Where in the Universes Are We? - The Overview
10:45 - Noon
Afternoon Workshop with Michael Painter
Increasing Inter-religious Understanding
3:00 - 4:30 PM
Saturday, Aug 4
Plenary with Keynote Speech by Daniel Glazer
Marriage, Family Life, and the Importance of Fatherhood
9:00-10.30 AM
Afternoon Workshop Panel Discussion:
Featuring Anthony Finstad, Michael MacIsaac, Richard Daunt, Sara Blackstock and Janet Graham
Family is the Master Civilizer
Sunday Aug 5th
Closing Plenary
Please tune in!
The Joshua Ben Joseph Project Update
Filming for the
Joshua ben Joseph project is nearing completion and the project is now
going into post production. A first quarter 2013 time frame is now
projected for release. See some remarkable new images and footage
in the most recent Joshua ben Joseph update at:
If you'd like to be on the mailing list for these periodic updates please send a note to David Kantor -- dkantor606@yahoo.com.
| Jesus and the Olympics Well,
they weren't really Olympics--they were the annual competitive games
among the Greek cities of the Decapolis. They likely were held
here in this amphitheater in Scythopolis; the place where Jesus shocked
Joseph with his interest in these "heathen" activities. |
The New Book Covers Have Arrived!
The Urantia Book Fellowship
is proud to announce its 4th Printing of our beloved Urantia Book. This
new edition is highlighted by a new cover designed by the extraordinary
artist Gary Tonge of England and winner of the new cover design contest that took place in 2011.
The special features of this Urantia Book include:
- A comprehensive index
- A free audio DVD for downloading onto your computer and MP3 listening device.
- Re-formatted
with the newly established Standard Reference Text (SRT) an agreement
between the two Urantia Book publishers that syncs the references in
both the single and double column books as well as any typo and/or error
- The soft cover is made of a new instant memory material that keeps the cover stable over many years of use.
- New paper that diminishes type bleed through.
The Fellowship is offering an introductory 40% Discount through 9/30/2012 when you order our new Urantia Book from our online store. Click Here to go directly to the store.
Soft cover SRP of 19.95 - 40% = $11.97 + shipping
Hard cover SRP of 24.95 - 40% = 14.97 = shipping
The Urantia Fellowship's International Fellowship Committee
"Fostering the Faith Experience"
deciding to schedule a booth at the Nigerian International Book Fair -
May 7 - 12, 2012 - most of our friends and relatives reacted with
considerable concerns. Nigeria certainly has a reputation for much
that is unsavory; i.e. money scams, anti-Christian terrorism,
governmental corruption, etc. Perhaps, these are exactly the
reasons we were directed to go to Nigeria and share the good news of the
Gospel and this Revelation.
Upon arrival, our
great friend, Emeka Anazodo who worked so diligently with us in Ghana,
was there to greet us at the airport - along with his soon-to-be married
wife Sunshine Akudo, their 3 children (Maya, CJ, and Van), and a
cousin. Ed Harrigan of Alaska was already there - having arrived a
week early to live with Emeka and family in Ikorodu. Arriving
near the same time, was Barbara Maier and Marilyn Conner; also of
Alaska. On our flight was Charlene Morrow of Oklahoma, Arlene
Weimer and I (we're from Colorado, yeah!)
Team was growing. We drove to the University of Lagos and settled
into our designated rooms at the Guest House. In 2 days' time,
Emmanuel Agbeko and Aikins Oswaldo would arrive from Ghana (with the
financial assistance from the Fellowship) to join the Team. And,
several days later, Julius Taiwo (a Foundation/UAI reader from Nigeria)
joined us. We now had our full Team of 11 plus Jesus made it 12.
Watch the Video ->
How to Make Today a Day to Surpass all Days
On page 1777 of The Urantia Book [160.3.2], Rodan lays out a perfect program for spiritual development:
has taught us that God lives in man; then how can we induce man to
release these soul-bound powers of divinity and infinity? How shall we
induce men to let go of God that he may spring forth to the refreshment
of our own souls while in transit outward and then to serve the purpose
of enlightening, uplifting, and blessing countless other souls? How best
can I awaken these latent powers for good which lie dormant in your
souls? One thing I am sure of: Emotional excitement is not the ideal
spiritual stimulus. Excitement does not augment energy; it rather
exhausts the powers of both mind and body. Whence then comes the energy
to do these great things? Look to your Master. Even now he is out in the
hills taking in power while we are here giving out energy. The secret
of all this problem is wrapped up in spiritual communion, in worship.
From the human standpoint it is a question of combined meditation and
relaxation. Meditation makes the contact of mind with spirit; relaxation
determines the capacity for spiritual receptivity. And this interchange
of strength for weakness, courage for fear, the will of God for the
mind of self, constitutes worship ...
these experiences are frequently repeated, they crystallize into
habits, strength-giving and worshipful habits, and such habits
eventually formulate themselves into a spiritual character, and such a
character is finally recognized by one's fellows as a mature
personality. These practices are difficult and time-consuming at first,
but when they become habitual, they are at once restful and time-saving.
The more complex society becomes, and the more the lures of
civilization multiply, the more urgent will become the necessity for
God-knowing individuals to form such protective habitual practices
designed to conserve and augment their spiritual energies."
this process each day is not difficult. My problem has always been the
ebb and flow of spiritual energies. Then it dawned on me that spiritual
character is an edifice that we must rebuild each day, having faith that
each renewal will be stronger and better than the day before.
we can confidently greet the dawn with the mantra: "Today is a day that
surpasses all other days, for each day surpasses the day before, and
all lapse into magnificence. Because, that's the way things are." |
By Dr. Chris M. Halvorson (122:8.1). Mithras-and
subsequently, the incarnation of Jesus-was assumed to be at the start
of a year, with the birth nine months later on December 25, the winter
solstice.) Due to the imprecision of the Julian leap year system (viz.,
every fourth year, with the extra day added before February 25), the
date of the vernal equinox drifted as the centuries passed. One of the
goals of the calendar reform of Pope Gregory XIII was to reset the date
of the vernal equinox to roughly the same date that it held at the time
of the Council of Nicea in A.D. 325, when the original method for
calculating the date of Easter was established. To that end, the day
following Thursday, October 4, 1582 (in the Julian Calendar) was
declared to be Friday, October 15, 1582, the first official date of the
Gregorian Calendar.
The Urantia Book says that Jesus was born "at noon, August 21, 7 B.C."
To read more, click here: http://www.perfectinghorizons.org/ ByChrisHalvorson/jesbirth.pdf
A 1-day Mini Conference for Urantia Book Readers by Andrea Barnes
The month of
July has been a busy one for members of the outreach Committee. We
hosted a 1-day mini conference for Urantia Book readers in Coeur
d'Alene, Idaho and in Seattle, Washington.
In the morning we invite the public out for an introduction to the book. In
Coeur d'Alene we held it at a local coffee shop that had a nice private
room. Only 2 people showed up to hear about the book but they
were both very interested. One of them came out for the social
that we put on in the afternoon for existing readers. This gave
him the chance to meet the hosts of study groups and now he feels
welcome to attend a group in the area. It was good for the existing readers to hear someone introduce the book to people who have never heard of it.
| Andrea Barnes introduces the book |
In Seattle a local reader helped us get a hotel conference
| Seattle Readers Gather for Introduction to the book. |
room set up for
the day. About 19 readers from the greater Seattle area turned out
to hear the introduction. There was only one person that came out
to hear about the book in the morning and another one came in the
afternoon. The existing readers got a chance to practice their
introductory 'speeches' and we gave feedback to them. A lot was
learned about outreach, the existing readers had a chance to connect and
make plans for new groups, gatherings, and introductions. We
all talked about how wonderful it is to be with other Urantia Book
readers and these mini conferences allow so many who cannot make the big
conferences a chance for that type of fellowship!
If you are interested in having a 1, 2, or 3-day mini conference in your area please contact Andrea Barnes at andbarnes@gmail.com. |
THE BEST ONLINE SEARCH ENGINE EVER! The Urantia Book Fellowship is very pleased to announce UBSearch, the best online search engine ever! An extraordinary Urantian scholar, Troy R. Bishop, creator of the Urantia Translator's Polygloss, has gifted the Fellowship with this amazing study aid. We
offer our sincere gratitude to Troy R. Bishop for his stalwart service
to the Father in pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness! |
Third Annual Heart of the Mountain Retreat
and interested guests from up and down the East coast will gather once
again near Boone, North Carolina in August to celebrate the birth and
life of Jesus of Nazareth.
Valle Crucis, NC August 17-19, 2012
(Friday, 4 p.m. - Sunday after lunch)
Click here to see all the information.
Hope to see you there!
Rocky Mountain Spiritual Fellowship Jesus Birthday Potluck Picnic
Sunday, Aug 19th from 1-4 PM
The Stone House in Lakewood, CO, located on W Yale and Garrison St. The site is a quarter-mile from Bear Creek and two lakes for fishing, biking and hiking on miles of trails.
Kids will love it. Contact Paula at UBooksRus@aol.com for more information.
Urantia Book Los Angeles Jesus Birthday Mexican Fiesta Buffet Sunday, Aug 19th from 3 - 7 PM The Landmark 408 Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Beer, wine, soft drinks, birthday cake and ice cream, provided. Contact Mark at merickson@audiovisualmedia.com for more information
Northeast Regional Jesus Birthday Celebration
New England & New York Urantia Societies Family Potluck Picnic
Saturday, August 18 (rain date Sunday, August 19)
From 12 noon to whenever
Hopkinton State Park
Hopkinton, MA
Contact Jorgey Krupa at bannerofmichael@ymail.com for more information..
Fort Wayne Urantia Society Jesus Birthday Celebration
Potluck Meal; food and fellowship
Sunday, August 19th at 3 PM, eat at 5 PM
Home of Paul & Marvel Zuercher
Call for directions: 260-589-8701
All Urantia friends and guests are welcome!
Minnesota Jesus' Birthday Potluck
Friday, August 24th at 5:30 PM Plan to eat between 6:00 and 6:30
Home of Tom and Sue Rutledge's house Call Sue for directions: 952-933-9752 Please bring your choice of food to share. Come and share worship, music, and spiritual growth.
You are invited
to a Jesus' Birthday Pot Luck
on Friday, August 24th at 5:30 p.m.
at Tom and Sue Rutledge's house 15312 McKenzie Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55345
Please bring your choice of food to share.
We'll meet at 5:30 and plan to eat between 6:00 and 6:30. After
the meal, we can share worship, music, and an update on our spiritual
growth and service for the year, including experiences of those who have
attended UB conferences.
Bring anyone you know who might enjoy getting together with Urantia-Book-reading folk.
If you have questions, call Sue Rutledge at 952-933-9752
Golden Gate Circle
will again host dual celebrations bracketing the August 21 day of remembering the bestowal of Michael of Nebadon as Jesus of Nazareth.
SANTA CRUZ, CA - August 19, 2012 (SOUTH BAY) In
what has become an annual event, Larry Jones and Elizabeth van Buren
will open their home and grounds on Sunday, August 19. Festivities will
begin at 12:30 pm. The Santa Cruz study group is co-sponsoring this
event. There will be six phases to the day; socializing,
some reading, some sharing, the Remembrance Supper, some
worship and a potluck dinner. Please RSVP. Call or email for directions. Contact: Larry and Elizabeth (831)-425-1882 larry@spectrixlab.com
SEBASTOPOL, CA - August 26, 2012 (NORTH BAY) A
similar event will take place 120 miles north on the following Sunday,
August 26 at the home of Larry Geis and Gary Casey. In this case, guests
are asked to arrive after 11:11am at 1100 High School Road. Socializing
and exploring the natural wonders and man-made gardens will last until
around 12:30pm. We will gather to experience a period of worshipful
prayer and meditation at 1pm (noon sun time). There will be some
sort of Remembrance ritual involved. A potluck meal
will follow about 2:30pm. Later, readings and discussion will occur if
participants so desire. A showing of a recently discovered video of the
1976 multi-media "Our Heritage of the Spirit" is also a strong
possibility. Other events will occur on Tuesday (Aug 21)
and Saturday (Aug 25) for those who choose to come early or cannot
attend on Sunday. Overnight guests are welcome. A variety of
accommodations are available. Please RSVP to lrgeis@pacbell.netor call 707-824-9234 or 707-235-0517 for more information and directions.
Northern Light Society of Alaska
Jesus Birthday Celebration & Summertime Frolic:
An Alaskan Camping Retreat for Urantia Book Readers
Friday evening, Aug. 24th - Sunday afternoon, Aug. 26th
Red Salmon dinner and potluck ~ Saturday evening
'Experiential' Worship and Remembrance - Sunday @ 10AM
Horseshoe Lake ~ Willow AK
Come for the day or for the full weekend ..... all are welcome!
Contact Tony for more information:
or call (907) 830-8816
First Society (Chicago) Jesus' Birthday Commemoration
Tuesday, August 21, 7:30 p.m.
Home of David and Marilynn Kulieke in Lincolnshire, IL
Lynne Kulieke will coordinate a program of readings Theme: Jesus as man seeking God Light refreshments, including a customary birthday cake Contact cece606@gmail.com to be sent an invitation, or call 847-945-1812 for address and directions.
Volunteer with The Urantia Book Fellowship!
We have several positions available for volunteers.
Depending on which one you choose, 1-4 hours per months is
required. We sincerely ask you consider how important it is to put
your time or money or both towards what you believe is important.
For many of us that is THE FIFTH EPOCHAL REVELATION!
If you cannot donate your time to help and volunteer, then please consider donating one hours' worth of income each month.
Click here to donate (monthly donations are excellent!) Click here to volunteer
| Pierre Chicoine |
We just finished a
large endeavor with the help of a handful of volunteers. Hundreds
of articles written by Urantia Book readers dating back to 1994 have
been catergorized by Title, Author, Date, and Category have been set up
in a searchable database. Pierre Chicoine created the
database and the following volunteers assisted in actual
categorization of the articles.
Mario Marioncelli
Again, thank you to all of the volunteers that made this project possible! We'll roll it out next month for all to see.
Tuesday Morning & Wednesday Night
Pato Banton and Antoinette Hall are opening their group on Wednesday at noon and in the evening at 6pm pst. Skype address is patobanton123
Tuesday Night
Symmetry of Soul 6pm to 8pm PST
A weekly
study of the unifying concepts of The Urantia Book, mindful of the
threefold nature of the cosmos: 'philosophy, religion, and science are
welded into a meaningful unity by the conjoined action of wisdom, faith,
and experience.'
Wednesday Night
Atlanta Urantia Study Group
We post our meetings on line every
week in video and mp3 format for anyone who would like to watch or
listen. Our Wednesday night study session is usually posted by Saturday
each week. We are limited to 10 people on Skype as a video call, but by
posting the video on line everyone can listen. User Name rogerpauldc email rogerpauldc@yahoo.com
Friday Night Please join us for the live Skype broadcast study group with Chris Halvorson, Friday evenings at 7:30 - 9:30pm MST.....Call 720-457-3606 or search
Skype name "perfectinghorizons". Please call in 5-10 minutes early so
you are all set up before the start of class....we are unable to log anyone on after the start of class. This is not an interactive call so PLEASE MUTE your phone or computer...just listen and enjoy.
Previous audio/video classes and study aids can be found at www.perfectinghorizons.org
Saturday Morning 9 AM Mountain Daylight Time The Cosmic Citizen is a show for progressive religionists
and spiritual people who are ready to find spirituality worthy of an
age of science and enlightenment. Our two hosts, Paula Thompson and
Christilyn Biek-Larson are both long time students of The Urantia Book.
We interview guests on topics related to modern and progressive
spiritual growth and religious interests. We always incorporate Urantia
Book teachings, welcome callers and have lively interactions in the live
chat room. We embrace diversity, intelligent dialogue and a willingness
to serve. We also feature a show for Spanish Speakers called Ciudadanos del Universo on Wednesdays at 9 AM Mountain Daylight Time. Please join us! Click here for the link. AND If you want to run virtual / telephone study groups, or support an existing physical one, I have the perfect free tool: http://www.freeconferencing.com/
I was amazed and thrilled after successfully testing this service with
three phones and screen sharing. Also, people not on an unlimited
calling plan can get in for free with Skype.This
tool enables the group leader/facilitator to let everyone have an equal
chance to talk and to hear what's going in. It levels the playing field
and encourages interaction: · Telephone Access· Skype Access· Up to 1,000 callers· Facilitator can mute individual callers· Facilitator can share slides pictures, a computer screen· The session can be recorded· Session can be up to 6 hours Link to FAQ'sHappy virtual study grouping! Sincerely,Chris Lepine
We welcome your contributions
to this online publication. We accept articles no more than 10
paragraphs long that deal with Urantia Book related events, ideas,
outreach, gatherings, or reminders. Articles should be submitted to volunteer@urantiabook.org before the 22nd of every month. |
The Urantia Book Fellowship is pleased to announce that we are now offering, via our web store, many of the books
that used to be offered in the Morning Star Catalog (formerly the Good
Cheer Catalog.) Our newly redesigned web store is now open for
business and contains many of the
great books and study aids that Urantia Book readers love as well as
some brand new gems for your contemplation and inspiration.
As you peruse this new online catalog, remember that it represents how
the revelation has personally inspired each individual author. Most of
our authors are not professional writers, but dedicated and long-time
students of the revelation who were moved to reflect, in some humble
way, the light of truth, beauty, and goodness found so abundantly in The
Urantia Book.
Urantia Book Fellowship Fundraiser $$$$
Get your bumper
sticker here!!
Make check payable to Maria Downing-Tamm
Mail to:
2635 Mapleton Ave #41
Boulder CO 80304
| |